Month: March 2021
Here’s Why it’s Time for Citizen Action:
This chart shows residential construction (finished and approved) in York County since the 2015 Comprehensive Plan. It includes the 288 units that can be built, by right, on Fenton Mill. Green = construction in compliance with 2015 zoning Orange = construction made possible by REZONING for higher density. As you can see, we are FAR… Continue reading Here’s Why it’s Time for Citizen Action:
Don’t Throw Away Those Signs!
What does last night’s vote mean for the Fenton Mill land? We don’t know. The developer could: * build the 288 homes allowed by current zoning and leave it at that. The current 288 home plan leaves the Barlow/Skimino corner vacant. * build the 288 homes allowed by current zoning and sell the Barlow/Skimino corner… Continue reading Don’t Throw Away Those Signs!